2nd March, 2024, at 10.00 am, United Reformed Church, Rhos-on-Sea
The Chairperson, Caroline Cornwell, opened the Annual General Meeting and welcomed those in attendance. Prior to the official business of the day, members enjoyed a presentation from Margaret Herbert. Margaret explained that she had been Head Gardener at the Lake Vrynwy Hotel and was a gardener and a landscaper with experience spanning between Wiltshire and North Wales. Her illustrated presentation focussed on 'Gardening in the 21st Century' and covered topics including permaculture, rewilding, edimentals, agroforestry, paludiculture, technology, pests and diseases, new varieties, environmental awareness, new methods and trends. Margaret kindly answered members’ questions. Following a vote of thanks and a break for tea, the official business of the morning then commenced.
1 Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Hannah Fleet, Wendy Kitson, Maureen Parry, Danny Nissim, Lawrence Rodgers , Roy and Hayley Tapping, Alwyn Williams.
2 Minutes of the Last AGM
The minutes of a meeting held on 4th March, 2023, were agreed as a true record.
3 Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
4 Chairperson’s and Committee's Reports
The Chairperson presented various reports from the committee to those present. Several successful events had taken place since the last AGM including two shows, organised by Wendy, the plant sale, a guided visit to Bodnant in April and a visit to Plas Cadnant in June. Those attending a social event and talk in October had also enjoyed another talk from Margaret Herbert on 'Right Plant, Right Place'. More trips were hoped for in 2024 including a visit to Bodrhyddan Hall on 15th June for the 'Pots, Plants and Food' event. It was noted that entry and competitor numbers were up in 2023 and that total membership in 2023 was 144 – a record. Increasing numbers of members are joining via standing order or electronic banking, making the managing of membership payments simpler. The website has details of upcoming events and pictures of shows. There is scope to include pictures of members' gardens if emailed to Hannah Fleet. Facebook is also used to promote events and all shows are announced on the digital screens located around the town. The Society's representation on the Bay of Colwyn Town Council Volunteer Awards Committee and the contribution the Society makes to the overall portfolio of information presented to the Wales in Bloom judges were noted. Other projects around the town of horticultural merit were also acknowledged and participation was encouraged.
Thanks were extended to the Committee and all other helpers for their hard work during the year. Lawrence's cheery newsletters had been enjoyed along with the wonderful catering at all our events spearheaded by Jaqui, Michele and Rita. The change of venue for events was proving to be successful resulting in increased footfall. Members were reminded of the Spring Show on 23rd March and the Plant Sale on 11th May (all plants and seedlings welcome).
5 Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer tabled the signed audited accounts for the year ending 31 December, 2023. The overall balance remained sound with a current account at £7,033 with savings of £1,824. Several questions were raised about the accounts which the Treasurer answered. It was noted that the Society has a surplus some of which could be spent in line with the constitution. Members would be asked for suggestions. It was noted that the new card readers were proving a useful addition, as banking with cash was proving ever more challenging as more and more banks close down. The accounts were then accepted by those present.
6 Appointment of Auditors for 2024
Christine Cockerell was appointed as Auditor for 2024.
7 Election of Officers for 2024
The following officers were proposed and seconded :-
Chairperson – Caroline Cornwell (Rachel Haslock, Fiona Masding)
Treasurer – Pam Sykes (Jaqui Jones, Marion Williams)
Secretary – Jaqui Jones (Helen Dale, Sandra Gorst)
Show Secretary – Wendy Kitson (Helen Dale, Sandra Gorst)
Membership Secretary – Jon Sykes (Jaqui Jones, Dafydd Lloyd-Borland)
Committee Members – Hannah Fleet (Social Media Officer), Rachel Haslock. (Dafydd Lloyd-Borland, Helen Lee)
Co-opted Members - there are three vacancies and the Committee has the power to co-opt these members
8 Any Other Business
There was no other business.
The Chairperson thanked all those in attendance. Seeds Tomato 'Chocolate Cherry' and Dahlia 'Honka Babies' had been distributed to those in attendance.
The meeting closed at 12.20 pm.
2nd March, 2024, at 10.00 am, United Reformed Church, Rhos-on-Sea
The Chairperson, Caroline Cornwell, opened the Annual General Meeting and welcomed those in attendance. Prior to the official business of the day, members enjoyed a presentation from Margaret Herbert. Margaret explained that she had been Head Gardener at the Lake Vrynwy Hotel and was a gardener and a landscaper with experience spanning between Wiltshire and North Wales. Her illustrated presentation focussed on 'Gardening in the 21st Century' and covered topics including permaculture, rewilding, edimentals, agroforestry, paludiculture, technology, pests and diseases, new varieties, environmental awareness, new methods and trends. Margaret kindly answered members’ questions. Following a vote of thanks and a break for tea, the official business of the morning then commenced.
1 Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Hannah Fleet, Wendy Kitson, Maureen Parry, Danny Nissim, Lawrence Rodgers , Roy and Hayley Tapping, Alwyn Williams.
2 Minutes of the Last AGM
The minutes of a meeting held on 4th March, 2023, were agreed as a true record.
3 Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
4 Chairperson’s and Committee's Reports
The Chairperson presented various reports from the committee to those present. Several successful events had taken place since the last AGM including two shows, organised by Wendy, the plant sale, a guided visit to Bodnant in April and a visit to Plas Cadnant in June. Those attending a social event and talk in October had also enjoyed another talk from Margaret Herbert on 'Right Plant, Right Place'. More trips were hoped for in 2024 including a visit to Bodrhyddan Hall on 15th June for the 'Pots, Plants and Food' event. It was noted that entry and competitor numbers were up in 2023 and that total membership in 2023 was 144 – a record. Increasing numbers of members are joining via standing order or electronic banking, making the managing of membership payments simpler. The website has details of upcoming events and pictures of shows. There is scope to include pictures of members' gardens if emailed to Hannah Fleet. Facebook is also used to promote events and all shows are announced on the digital screens located around the town. The Society's representation on the Bay of Colwyn Town Council Volunteer Awards Committee and the contribution the Society makes to the overall portfolio of information presented to the Wales in Bloom judges were noted. Other projects around the town of horticultural merit were also acknowledged and participation was encouraged.
Thanks were extended to the Committee and all other helpers for their hard work during the year. Lawrence's cheery newsletters had been enjoyed along with the wonderful catering at all our events spearheaded by Jaqui, Michele and Rita. The change of venue for events was proving to be successful resulting in increased footfall. Members were reminded of the Spring Show on 23rd March and the Plant Sale on 11th May (all plants and seedlings welcome).
5 Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer tabled the signed audited accounts for the year ending 31 December, 2023. The overall balance remained sound with a current account at £7,033 with savings of £1,824. Several questions were raised about the accounts which the Treasurer answered. It was noted that the Society has a surplus some of which could be spent in line with the constitution. Members would be asked for suggestions. It was noted that the new card readers were proving a useful addition, as banking with cash was proving ever more challenging as more and more banks close down. The accounts were then accepted by those present.
6 Appointment of Auditors for 2024
Christine Cockerell was appointed as Auditor for 2024.
7 Election of Officers for 2024
The following officers were proposed and seconded :-
Chairperson – Caroline Cornwell (Rachel Haslock, Fiona Masding)
Treasurer – Pam Sykes (Jaqui Jones, Marion Williams)
Secretary – Jaqui Jones (Helen Dale, Sandra Gorst)
Show Secretary – Wendy Kitson (Helen Dale, Sandra Gorst)
Membership Secretary – Jon Sykes (Jaqui Jones, Dafydd Lloyd-Borland)
Committee Members – Hannah Fleet (Social Media Officer), Rachel Haslock. (Dafydd Lloyd-Borland, Helen Lee)
Co-opted Members - there are three vacancies and the Committee has the power to co-opt these members
8 Any Other Business
There was no other business.
The Chairperson thanked all those in attendance. Seeds Tomato 'Chocolate Cherry' and Dahlia 'Honka Babies' had been distributed to those in attendance.
The meeting closed at 12.20 pm.
4th March, 2023, at 10.00 am, United Reformed Church, Rhos-on-Sea
The Chairperson, Caroline Cornwell, opened the Annual General Meeting and welcomed those in attendance. Prior to the official business of the day, members enjoyed a presentation from Joe Wainwright, an award-winning, professional garden photographer. Joe works all over the UK, with clients including national and international publications, garden designers and organisations such as the National Trust, Visit Britain and the National Gardens Scheme. He outlined several points to consider when taking photographs including the rule of thirds, framing, line and light. The meeting was then treated to series of photographs and recommended gardens to visit. Joe kindly answered members’ questions. Following a vote of thanks and a break for tea, the official business of the morning then commenced.
1 Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Helen Rickard, Lawrence Rodgers , Andrea Wright and Fiona Wright.
2 Minutes of the Last AGM
The minutes of a meeting held on 5th March, 2022, were agreed as a true record.
3Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
4 Chairperson’s and Committee's Reports
The Chairperson summarised the success of several events that had taken place since the last AGM including two shows, organised by Wendy, the plant sale, a guided visit to Bodnant and a social event in January (the quiz had been won by Michael Goodhall and his team and the prize was presented). More trips were hoped for in 2023 with the 1st April booked for a tour of Bodnant on 'Garden Maintenance' and a visit to Plas Cadnant with the owner. Other possible events may follow later in the year. Thanks were extened to the Committee and all other helpers for their hard work during the year. Lawrence's cheery newsletters had been enjoyed along with the wonderful catering at all our events spearheaded by Jaqui, Michele and Rita. A new card reader was currently being tested and the committee was always open to other ideas for improvements. The change of venue for events was proving to be successful and had possibly resulted in increased footfall, which the Show Secretary said was an improvement on 2019 numbers. Members were reminded of the Spring Show on 25th March and the Plant Sale on 13th May (all plants and seedlings welcome) .
Membership numbers last year reached 117. This year 92 people had joined the Society so far. Jon Sykes reported that one Life Member, Harold Roberts, had passed away and paid tribute to two other members who were not longer with us.
Hannah Fleet reported on the Society's representation on the Bay of Colwyn Town Council Volunteer Awards Committee and the contribution the Society makes to the overall portfolio of information presented to the Wales in Bloom judges. Other projects around the town of horticultural merit were also noted.
5 Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer tabled the signed audited accounts for the year ending 31 December, 2022. The overall balance remained sound with a current account at £6,871.41 with savings of £1,818. A member questioned expenditure on a shed and it was explained that this was a storage facility for use by the Society as the previous option at the Methodist Church Hall was no longer available. The accounts were then accepted by those present.
6 Appointment of Auditors for 2023
Christine Cockerell was appointed as Auditor for 2023.
7 Election of Officers for 2023
The following officers were proposed by Dafydd Lloyd-Borland and seconded by Sandra Gorst:-
Chairperson – Caroline Cornwell
Treasurer – Pam Sykes
Secretary – Jaqui Jones
Show Secretary – Wendy Kitson
Membership Secretary – Jon Sykes
Committee Members – Hannah Fleet (Social Media Officer), Rachel Haslock.
Co-opted Members - there are three vacancies and the Committee has the power to co-opt these members
8 Constitution
The Meeting approved and accepted the amendments to the Society's Constitution.
9 Any Other Business
A member asked if it might be possible to buy seeds at a discount for members. Wendy reported that previous enquiries in this regard had not been fruitful but that further enquiries would be made through the connection suggested.
The Chairperson thanked all those in attendance.
The meeting closed at 11.20 am.
4th March, 2023, at 10.00 am, United Reformed Church, Rhos-on-Sea
The Chairperson, Caroline Cornwell, opened the Annual General Meeting and welcomed those in attendance. Prior to the official business of the day, members enjoyed a presentation from Joe Wainwright, an award-winning, professional garden photographer. Joe works all over the UK, with clients including national and international publications, garden designers and organisations such as the National Trust, Visit Britain and the National Gardens Scheme. He outlined several points to consider when taking photographs including the rule of thirds, framing, line and light. The meeting was then treated to series of photographs and recommended gardens to visit. Joe kindly answered members’ questions. Following a vote of thanks and a break for tea, the official business of the morning then commenced.
1 Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Helen Rickard, Lawrence Rodgers , Andrea Wright and Fiona Wright.
2 Minutes of the Last AGM
The minutes of a meeting held on 5th March, 2022, were agreed as a true record.
3Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
4 Chairperson’s and Committee's Reports
The Chairperson summarised the success of several events that had taken place since the last AGM including two shows, organised by Wendy, the plant sale, a guided visit to Bodnant and a social event in January (the quiz had been won by Michael Goodhall and his team and the prize was presented). More trips were hoped for in 2023 with the 1st April booked for a tour of Bodnant on 'Garden Maintenance' and a visit to Plas Cadnant with the owner. Other possible events may follow later in the year. Thanks were extened to the Committee and all other helpers for their hard work during the year. Lawrence's cheery newsletters had been enjoyed along with the wonderful catering at all our events spearheaded by Jaqui, Michele and Rita. A new card reader was currently being tested and the committee was always open to other ideas for improvements. The change of venue for events was proving to be successful and had possibly resulted in increased footfall, which the Show Secretary said was an improvement on 2019 numbers. Members were reminded of the Spring Show on 25th March and the Plant Sale on 13th May (all plants and seedlings welcome) .
Membership numbers last year reached 117. This year 92 people had joined the Society so far. Jon Sykes reported that one Life Member, Harold Roberts, had passed away and paid tribute to two other members who were not longer with us.
Hannah Fleet reported on the Society's representation on the Bay of Colwyn Town Council Volunteer Awards Committee and the contribution the Society makes to the overall portfolio of information presented to the Wales in Bloom judges. Other projects around the town of horticultural merit were also noted.
5 Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer tabled the signed audited accounts for the year ending 31 December, 2022. The overall balance remained sound with a current account at £6,871.41 with savings of £1,818. A member questioned expenditure on a shed and it was explained that this was a storage facility for use by the Society as the previous option at the Methodist Church Hall was no longer available. The accounts were then accepted by those present.
6 Appointment of Auditors for 2023
Christine Cockerell was appointed as Auditor for 2023.
7 Election of Officers for 2023
The following officers were proposed by Dafydd Lloyd-Borland and seconded by Sandra Gorst:-
Chairperson – Caroline Cornwell
Treasurer – Pam Sykes
Secretary – Jaqui Jones
Show Secretary – Wendy Kitson
Membership Secretary – Jon Sykes
Committee Members – Hannah Fleet (Social Media Officer), Rachel Haslock.
Co-opted Members - there are three vacancies and the Committee has the power to co-opt these members
8 Constitution
The Meeting approved and accepted the amendments to the Society's Constitution.
9 Any Other Business
A member asked if it might be possible to buy seeds at a discount for members. Wendy reported that previous enquiries in this regard had not been fruitful but that further enquiries would be made through the connection suggested.
The Chairperson thanked all those in attendance.
The meeting closed at 11.20 am.
5th March, 2022, at 10.00 am, United Reformed Church, Rhos-on-Sea
The Chairperson, Caroline Cornwell, opened the Annual General Meeting and welcomed those in attendance after a two year absence due to Covid restrictions. Prior to the official business of the day, members enjoyed a presentation from Brian Palmer of the Woodland Trust. Brian gave an illustrated talk, introducing the work of the Woodland Trust, with partricular emphasis on the importance, history and fragility of ancient woodlands. Brian kindly answered members’ questions and it was noted that during the winter period, trees can be acquired from the Trust free of charge. Brian also agreed to keep members informed of future woodland walks with the Trust. Following a vote of thanks and a break for tea, the official business of the morning then commenced.
1. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Jonathan Sykes and Marion Williams.
2. Minutes of the Last AGM
The minutes of a meeting held on 7th March, 2020, were agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
4. Chairperson’s and Committee's Reports
The Chairperson paid tribute to several long term members who had passed away since the last AGM. Their support and enthusiasm for the Society had been much appreciated over the years and the members would be sadly missed. Thanks were extened to the Committee for the newsletters and virtual shows that they had put on during lockdown. It was hoped that these efforts had kept members in touch and provided some fun during a difficult period. The change of venue for meetings and events was explained. It was noted that there were proposals to redevelop the previous venue and long term bookings were no longer being taken so an alternative had been sought.
Membership numbers were obviously down, following a peak of 130 in 2019. 62 people had joined so far this year and it was hoped to improve on this as the shows get underway. Members were reminded of the visit to Bodnant Gardens which had been arranged for 18th June. It was hoped to see behind the scenes at the garden and anyone interested should contact Lawrence Rodgers. A reminder was given that the Spring Show will take place on 2nd April and Plant Sale on 14th May. Any spare plants or seedlings for the latter event, would be appreciated.
5. Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer tabled the signed audited accounts for the year ending 31 December, 2021, and it was noted there had been a loss for the year of £133.90 due to insurance and subscription costs. The overall balance remained sound with a current account at £5,679.71 with savings of £1,818.
6. Appointment of Auditors for 2022
Christine Cockerell was appointed as Auditor for 2022.
7. Election of Officers for 2022
he following officers were elected:
Chairperson – Caroline Cornwell, proposer Helen Rickard, seconder Hannah Fleet
Treasurer – Pam Sykes, proposer Wendy Kitson, seconder Sandra Gorst
Secretary – Wendy Kitson, proposer Sandra Gorst, seconder Jay Keyse
Show Secretary – Wendy Kitson, Sandra Gorst, seconder Jay Keyse
Membership Secretary – Jon Sykes, proposer Diane Scoots, seconder Elaine Potts
Committee Members – Hannah Fleet (Social Media Officer), proposer Wendy Kitson, seconder Lawrence Rodgers; Rachel Haslock, proposer Fiona Masding, seconder Helen Rickard; Jaqui Jones, proposer Wendy Kitson, seconder Rachel Haslock
Co-opted Members - there are three vacancies and the Committee has the power to co-opt these members
8. Any Other Business
There was no other business.
The Chairperson thanked all those in attendance.
The meeting closed at 11.25 am.
5th March, 2022, at 10.00 am, United Reformed Church, Rhos-on-Sea
The Chairperson, Caroline Cornwell, opened the Annual General Meeting and welcomed those in attendance after a two year absence due to Covid restrictions. Prior to the official business of the day, members enjoyed a presentation from Brian Palmer of the Woodland Trust. Brian gave an illustrated talk, introducing the work of the Woodland Trust, with partricular emphasis on the importance, history and fragility of ancient woodlands. Brian kindly answered members’ questions and it was noted that during the winter period, trees can be acquired from the Trust free of charge. Brian also agreed to keep members informed of future woodland walks with the Trust. Following a vote of thanks and a break for tea, the official business of the morning then commenced.
1. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Jonathan Sykes and Marion Williams.
2. Minutes of the Last AGM
The minutes of a meeting held on 7th March, 2020, were agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
4. Chairperson’s and Committee's Reports
The Chairperson paid tribute to several long term members who had passed away since the last AGM. Their support and enthusiasm for the Society had been much appreciated over the years and the members would be sadly missed. Thanks were extened to the Committee for the newsletters and virtual shows that they had put on during lockdown. It was hoped that these efforts had kept members in touch and provided some fun during a difficult period. The change of venue for meetings and events was explained. It was noted that there were proposals to redevelop the previous venue and long term bookings were no longer being taken so an alternative had been sought.
Membership numbers were obviously down, following a peak of 130 in 2019. 62 people had joined so far this year and it was hoped to improve on this as the shows get underway. Members were reminded of the visit to Bodnant Gardens which had been arranged for 18th June. It was hoped to see behind the scenes at the garden and anyone interested should contact Lawrence Rodgers. A reminder was given that the Spring Show will take place on 2nd April and Plant Sale on 14th May. Any spare plants or seedlings for the latter event, would be appreciated.
5. Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer tabled the signed audited accounts for the year ending 31 December, 2021, and it was noted there had been a loss for the year of £133.90 due to insurance and subscription costs. The overall balance remained sound with a current account at £5,679.71 with savings of £1,818.
6. Appointment of Auditors for 2022
Christine Cockerell was appointed as Auditor for 2022.
7. Election of Officers for 2022
he following officers were elected:
Chairperson – Caroline Cornwell, proposer Helen Rickard, seconder Hannah Fleet
Treasurer – Pam Sykes, proposer Wendy Kitson, seconder Sandra Gorst
Secretary – Wendy Kitson, proposer Sandra Gorst, seconder Jay Keyse
Show Secretary – Wendy Kitson, Sandra Gorst, seconder Jay Keyse
Membership Secretary – Jon Sykes, proposer Diane Scoots, seconder Elaine Potts
Committee Members – Hannah Fleet (Social Media Officer), proposer Wendy Kitson, seconder Lawrence Rodgers; Rachel Haslock, proposer Fiona Masding, seconder Helen Rickard; Jaqui Jones, proposer Wendy Kitson, seconder Rachel Haslock
Co-opted Members - there are three vacancies and the Committee has the power to co-opt these members
8. Any Other Business
There was no other business.
The Chairperson thanked all those in attendance.
The meeting closed at 11.25 am.